UTorrent is a Torrent file downloading software that is used to download Torrent files from any Torrent website.
It was developed by Bit Torrent INC and initial release date of this software is September 18, 2005.
It is used in Android, Mac, Microsoft Windows and PC.
How To Download?
You can use IDM to download this software for free.
How To Install?
You can easily install this software by just following these instructions.
- Download software by using IDM
- After downloading open file and launch setup
- Install the software completely
- After installation click on the “UTORRENT” icon
- Use and enjoy
- That’s it
This is how you can install this software and this is very easy.
In case if you have any problem, then you can ask inside comments section, we will try to help you solve your problem.
System Requirements
Operating System (OS) = Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 Both 32 and 64 Bit
CPU = Pentium 4
Processor = 1.8 GHz
RAM = 512 MB
Disk Space = 2 MB
You can download UTorrent software by just clicking on this download button.